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It’s all over!

She was the best thing that had ever happened to my life… At least I felt so for quite sometime. I could continue staring at those beautiful eyelashes for hours without batting an eyelid. I would talk to her for hours on end. Her face, with all its pimples, made Angelina Jolie look like a… Continue reading It’s all over!

Categorized as Life, Love

The Winds of Change

“The only thing constant about the world is change…” Change is something that I’ve contemplated about all through my life. A phenomenon seemingly puny by its ubiquity, but mind-boggling by its sheer magnitude & profoundness; it’s been there from the ‘beginning’ and will sure go on, till what they call is the ‘end of eternity’.… Continue reading The Winds of Change

Categorized as General

A Song!

Well, if you never knew, let this post be a revelation. Yeah, I’m a singer! I’ve been singing to my heart’s content since God knows when. With four years of training in Carnatic music and loads of prizes under my belt, I’d daresay, I’m passably good at it. 🙂 Wanna test my prowess in music?… Continue reading A Song!

Categorized as Music, Song