Idea Star Singer ads in Google Adsense!

Idea Star Singer isΒ  a very popular reality show in Malayalam television. The show is on its fourth season now and is the quintessential ‘best singer’ show, with all the masala and moolah. This very great reality show is the sole reason why yours truly has abandoned television!

I almost died laughing when I saw these ads in my blog a couple of days back!

Idea star singer google ad!

Idea star singer - Google ad

Asianet Idea Star Singer:

Watch ISS Season 4 an Musical Entertainer!

LOL, I thought Ranjini Haridas knew enough crap about articles in English!! At least they could’ve made the ad grammatically correct! πŸ˜›

This means just one thing – people have realized that the show’s downright crap! Or is this ad the ‘brilliant’ idea of someone behind the scenes trying to cash in on the free $50 Google AdWords campaign.

Looks more like it!

Well, turns out that the website’s actually a fan site! πŸ˜‰ Nevertheless, the ad-placement and the ‘grammar’ would only leave a far negative impact about the show rather than a positive one. Maybe there must be some regulation on fan sites and stuff…. πŸ˜€

And yeah, Season 4 sucks harder than ever!! 😐


Yep, this IS an arbit post. But I do have university exams coming up, and I seriously can’t afford to flunk! 😐

HOT Post alert:

Brace yourself! πŸ˜›

By hari

A twenty-something support engineer, web developer, blogger and journalist who makes the web a better place for a living, at Automattic. Immensely passionate about WordPress! Also loves books, music, movies, and drinking hot cups of coffee on rainy evenings. Dreams of writing a book, someday.


  1. I thought u were studyin and i find u going through stupid google adsense ad’s. That’s bad man. Poyi padikeda.

    Pinne is the HOT post going to be the new MMS of ranjini that’s supposed to be out? πŸ™‚

  2. nooww it looks like theyre desperate enough to advertise :).. that show was a runaway hit wen it was introduced, spurring on more boring reality-show copies in other channels too.. now its too much reality to live with for anyone :)..

    @abhi chettan
    now that wud be HOT ! ee summer-il allelum choodu sahikkaathe irikkuva, appola ithe πŸ™‚

  3. @ Abhi:
    Renjini’s MMS ee aduthidaykkonnum erangilla! πŸ˜›

    @ Hari Vishnu:
    Hehehe… Ippo ellaam kanakka. Btw, do you get Asianet there in Singapore?

    @ Sriram:
    Hell yeah!

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