Life, Decisions and Blogging

Those of you who’ve been visiting this blog for the past week might’ve noticed a sharp increase in my posting frequency – to be more precise, I’ve been blogging, daily for the past four days, straight! 😛 CC Credits: dead_squid Not because I’m jobless, actually I’m everything but jobless! I’ve got lab exams right now… Continue reading Life, Decisions and Blogging

An Interview with Richard Stallman

Richard Mathew Stallman is the rightful father of the Free Software movement and an international celebrity by his own right. The man behind the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation, it was he who propounded the General Public License (GPL), also dubbed ‘copyleft’ – a license that quite literally sets software free. Stallman is… Continue reading An Interview with Richard Stallman

Heat Wave!

There’s a ruddy heat wave down here in Trivandrum! Coupled with  the sweltering temperatures in my room, it’s virtually impossible to spend time here. As I sit here in my room and type out this post, I’m sweating from head to toe. Going by an approximate estimate, the temperatures in my room might be anywhere… Continue reading Heat Wave!

Life blog

I’ve always been enamoured by the term, ever since I saw it discreetly mentioned in a Nokia N series ad. No, I’m not talking about the famed mobile blogging application these guys package with Series 60 Nokia phones! But this post is about the literal implications of the phrase: “Life blog”. Yeah, what would it… Continue reading Life blog