Almost Famous!

Tough week it was! What commenced with a quagmire of a Data Structures assignment (where we had to submit research papers, quite literally!) culminated in a momentous climax – a succulently-harrowing series examination. To top it all, I had a harrowing backache, not to mention stodgy denigrations by eternally-disappointed parents! Thankfully, the exams on Friday… Continue reading Almost Famous!

Tagged, again!

Tags, tags and more tags; whew! Tagging seems to be the flavor of the month! 😛 So here’s the latest one. This one’s from Abhi Chettan, who used to be my senior at college and is one of my BEST friends. All I have to do is to list 8 items about various topics. Here… Continue reading Tagged, again!

Categorized as Life, Tag


Hooray!! This is something I’ve been dying for ever since I started blogging. I got tagged for the FIRST TIME by none other than Mr ഞാന്‍; an ace-blogger-cum-friend whose Malayalam blog actually introduced me to the world of regional language bloggers! Without further ado, lemme get on with the tag. This one’s about: Posting about… Continue reading Tagged!

De-Tour | The exodus

DISCLAIMER: This post, to put it mildly, is GIGANTIC!! This author will not be responsible for any potential body disorders that might arise by reading this one. If you’re short of time, just take a quick glance. That should do. 😉 (Continued from the previous post) Bustling with unbounded alacrity, we set off on the… Continue reading De-Tour | The exodus