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An Emotional blackmail

Drunkards seem to be the pick of the week for me! I just keep running into them like hell, and they bug me to the point of near-insanity! After the rather bloviating encounter with this loquaciously-psychic ex-military guy at the train last Saturday, I had a skirmish with this inebriated trio of seniors at college… Continue reading An Emotional blackmail

LINKed In!

The other day I was busy explaining a rather complex C program to a few (female) classmates during lunch break at college, when I was called by seniors. Sindhya Kartha, the IEEE Chairperson of our college, in her trademark husky-voice, informed me that I was ‘selected’(or rather, unanimously-nominated! :D) the LINK representative of IEEE from… Continue reading LINKed In!

Categorized as Travel


Watch this video! For mallus, especially to those who’ve watched the movie ‘Udayananu Thaaram’ (or at least those who are familiar with its songs), that might’ve been a laugh riot, ain’t it? Well… at least in a matter of speaking, considering the mind-boggling similarities between the hindi soundtrack and the mallu video, the entire video… Continue reading Liver-aged!

Categorized as General

Adieu! :-(

When I first heard the news, I was shell-shocked. It came almost like a death-toll! I was in the hospital, recuperating from my accident, idly glancing through the newspapers. It was then that the front page report in Kerala Kaumadi caught my glance: തിരുവനന്തപുരത്തെ ബ്രിട്ടീഷ് ലൈബ്രറി അടച്ചുപൂട്ടല് ഭീഷണിയില്!(The British Library in Thiruvananthapuram facing closure) Panicked,… Continue reading Adieu! 🙁

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