It’s all over!

She was the best thing that had ever happened to my life… At least I felt so for quite sometime. I could continue staring at those beautiful eyelashes for hours without batting an eyelid. I would talk to her for hours on end. Her face, with all its pimples, made Angelina Jolie look like a… Continue reading It’s all over!

Categorized as Life, Love

An Emotional blackmail

Drunkards seem to be the pick of the week for me! I just keep running into them like hell, and they bug me to the point of near-insanity! After the rather bloviating encounter with this loquaciously-psychic ex-military guy at the train last Saturday, I had a skirmish with this inebriated trio of seniors at college… Continue reading An Emotional blackmail

Life in a… Hospital

A hospital is an institution for health care, often but not always providing for longer-term patient stays. The latter part of a hospital’s definition (which I lifted from Wikipedia, ostensibly) looks somewhat absurd, at least in my point of view. 75% of the patients in any hospital would have stayed locked up in those staidly-coloured… Continue reading Life in a… Hospital