What’s in a name?

A name’s the most primary identification mark of any person. It’s one of the only entities about us that’s both intensely personal and unabashedly public. It’s something you take pride in (not always, but in general) and hold closest to your heart – and it’s also that piece of info about yourself that you’d willingly… Continue reading What’s in a name?

Shaken, not stirred

Last night, a lot broke up at home: Mom’s shattered cutlery was epitome; The car-windshield and dad’s chart, Left no trace like my foundered heart. Money would replace the losses, All but one, which was still in musses, The broken heart shall take its time, Yet, it shall tick, weak and sublime. My heart was… Continue reading Shaken, not stirred

The algebra of good food and conversations

Couple of weeks back, I was playing poker with my buddies. Poker is a newfound fascination, and I must thank  Sumesh for introducing me to this hugely-engrossing game. For, once you start off with poker, there’s actually no turning back. And you’re damned if you’re playing for money; you’d end up being hopelessly-addicted to gambling!… Continue reading The algebra of good food and conversations

A Quickie

The past week was a rather hard one for me. Something bad happened. Not that I would be beating the drums about it, but it did cause a wound deep in my mind; A huge gash, that shall keep hurting for long. The gash was necessary evil. I did my best to escape it, but… Continue reading A Quickie

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