Divine Intervention!

Can anyone name the most revered and the most fought-upon three letter word in English? Okay, that might be a tad obfuscating. Here’s a clue. The word, when reversed, gives the name of a canine. Rings a bell, doesn’t it? 😉 With all due respect to the guy who’s “watching us from above” and who… Continue reading Divine Intervention!

The Debate!

With the proliferation of news channels, the ‘televised debate’ has woven itself into the collective rhetoric of the nation. From the rudimentary, ‘controlled’ versions aired by Doordarsan, (Aap ki adaalat, anyone? Alright, that was in Zee TV, but still…), the ‘debate’ has now acquired too much pomp and panache. Complete with laptop-totting participants, Plasma TVs… Continue reading The Debate!

The happiest day of my life!

August 14th, 2008: the happiest day of my life! Not because the damned 4th semester exams got over. Not at all ‘coz of the fact that I won’t fail in the Database Design paper that day. The excitement of the upcoming BlogCamp (the next post is about BlogCamp: it was good, if not great! :D)… Continue reading The happiest day of my life!

Categorized as Life, Musings