I lost my posts! So, I rant! :-D

Apparently, two of my latest blog posts got deleted for no valid reason that I can comprehend. 😐 Those posts were intact, when I’d logged in early in the morning, to switch off downloads. When I visited the blog at around 11:30 AM today, just before I left for college,  I was dumbfound – two… Continue reading I lost my posts! So, I rant! 😀

Kowdiar Lights: The Quest

“I want Marlboro!” Raghav’s words were loud and vigorous enough to scare the living wits out of Sushil and I.  Raghav was Sushil’s friend. The two of us were on our way to CCD after a particularly tiresome day. That was when  a slightly-overweight guy in blue Reebok tees and a queer gait, suitably accompanied… Continue reading Kowdiar Lights: The Quest